188体育网-义乌市海帆模具厂位于浙江义乌-大的小商品集散中心,厂区坐落于义乌市廿三里工业区,交通十分便利。海帆模具是一家能提供注塑产品设计、模具设计、模具制造及注塑加工一站式服务的厂家,产品主要涉及电子产品机壳、玩具、文具、化妆品及箱包配件类等塑料产品。本厂拥有一支技艺、经验丰富的技术骨干队伍,采用的PRO-E/UG/CAD/CAM/CAE计算机辅助设计软件用以产品造型、注塑成型分析、浇口位置的设定、分型面的确定、模具设计图纸绘制、CNC编程、数控加工全程工作,设计周期短、度高、产品的准确配合。 现已采用加工中心,快慢线切割、精密数控车床、精细电脉冲、大型摇臂钻床等精密机床以及大小注塑机试模与生产。的团队以及的开发与制造工艺确保每一位客户的产品开发项目从开发理念到产品市场投放的顺利进行。从业多年来我们积累了丰富的经验,我厂开发的模具性能、,在业界有着不错的口碑。海纳百川,有容乃大。热忱欢迎国内外客商咨询洽谈,期盼与您共赢未来。Yiwu Haifan Plastic Mould Facory is located in Niansanli Industry District, Yiwu, China, which is very near to the International Trade City. It’ll be you 1st choice to choose us due to the superior geographical location and the convenient transportation. Haifan Mould is a manufacturer specializing in variety of plastic injection moulds for products of electronics, toys, stationery, cosmetics & other precision plastic parts. We offer one-stop services including 3D product development, mould design, mould manufacturing & plastic injection.Hyna Mould owns a professional team of experienced mold designers and skilled workers, as well as highly-precise and professional equipments and advanced management system. We also adopt the advanced PRO-E/UG/CAD/CAM/CAE software to design the products, mold and mold manufacturing offer integrated capabilities in design, mould making, final assembly and take your project from the initial concept to commercialization.Consistent quality, On-time Delivery and suitable price are our promise and principle. Please contact us to discuss your demand, Hyna Mould always ready for actualize your ideas
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 188体育网-义乌市海帆模具厂 |
企业法人 | 黄素倩 |
所在地 | 浙江金华 |
企业类型 | 私营资企业 |
成立时间 | 2011年03月28日 |
注册资金 | 无需验资 |
主营行业 | 模具 |
主营产品 | 模具,注塑模具,塑胶模具,注塑加工 |
主营地区 | 义乌市廿三里街道武溪街28号 |
经营模式 | 贸易型 |
经营范围 | 加工:模具 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 322013 |
公司电话 | 579-85014587 |
- 黄素倩
- 浙江
- 模具
- 模具,注塑模具,塑胶模具,注塑加工
- 义乌市廿三里街道武溪街28号
- 黄素倩
- 188体育网-义乌市海帆模具厂
- 322013
- 义乌市廿三里街道武溪街28号